High Sierra is an update of MacOS which focuses mostly on back-end developments and a higher level of user security. As such, this operating system lays a foundation for future upgrades.
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In essence, High Sierra took what was good with Sierra and developed it into a more comprehensive software.
High Sierra emphasizes the already-existing benefits of MacOS previous system, Sierra. There are few bells and whistles, but the changes are noticeable and positive. The Apple file system is the most significant feature it brought. It enables the storage and encryption of a large number of files. Thus, it boosts performance and helps manage device memory issues.
Apple also introduced new formats for video and photos in this version. These formats compress data - that’s a benefit as files can get huge with ever-rising resolutions. They added support for virtual reality headsets as well.
Besides that, when it comes to Safari, Mac search engine, there are some notable improvements with the update. The users can now control annoying auto-play videos, prevent tracking, and more. There are also notification controls, and you will experience a boost in performance, too.
The most noticeable changes took place in Apple’s Photo App, though. It went through a total revamp both visually in its interface and terms of tools and functions available. Many other discreet changes happened all over the system.
Where can you run this program?
If you’re running Sierra on your Mac, you will be able to run this one as well.

Is there a better alternative?
Yes. Mojave, the newest version of MacOS, brought even more improved features to the table. However, if you can’t run it on your device, this is the second best.
Our take
High Sierra is not the shiniest upgrade Apple brought, but it’s one that sets the stage for new upgrades to come. Even out of that context, it’s a great operating system.
Should you download it?
Yes, if your device can support it. The new options and better security settings are worth getting.
Fieldrunners Play Free

Fieldrunners 2 for PC now brings an exciting strategic puzzle adventure gameplay for all ages of the players. So, set ready to prevent the fieldrunners once then come and join the defense to save your land. It includes beautiful hand painted 2D graphics by award winning artists. Download and be a part of the gameplay where thousands of others players are ready to play this gameplay from all over the world.
Fieldrunners 2 is now available for PC Windows 10 / 8 / 7 or Mac. Download and install the game Fieldrunners 2 for PC, Desktop, Laptop and Mac-books as soon as possible and don’t forget to share your best experiences on social sites like Facebook and twitter with your friends and family.
Fieldrunners for PC is one of the best puzzle security game plays pack with fun and addicting for all the players. The most important sequel in the tower defense history is “Fieldrunners” where you can use everything and you can use popcorns, chickens, stones, mighty megabots inside the game that is helpful for destruction. Defend your humanity from the unpleasant by building slanting paths out of inventive, new weapons. Identify in airstrikes and put impulsive traps to smack the enemies with 20 new levels duration the grassiest fields, driest deserts, dazzling cities and an infernal volcano warren. Challenge with your intelligence with the some new exciting styles like Puzzle, unexpected death and time test levels.
You can now download and install Fieldrunners 2 for Laptop or Desktop computer running any version of Windows, including Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 or even Mac-books, running Mac OS.
HOW TODOWNLOAD AND INSTALLFieldrunners 2 forPC Windowsand MAC FreeDownload:
To download this game on your computer PC or laptop you need a good Android/ iOS game emulator which will help you run this game on any version of Windows or Mac smoothly.
Here is the list of some of the best Android emulators given below with the download link.
1- BlueStacks – Download Link
Fieldrunners For Pc
2- YouWave – Download Link
3- Andy Player – Download Link
4- iPadian Player – Download Link
Now you will need to select any of the above mentioned Android/ iOS Emulator from the given list and follow the instructions given in the download link to successfully download and install Fieldrunners 2 forPC Windows10/8/7 Desktop PC or Laptop.
The simpler and best way is to download Fieldrunners 2
1- Download BlueStacks player from here–Link
2- Open the app
3- Click on the search and paste the game name Fieldrunners 2
4- Once it shows up, Just click on the install button to install the game on your PC.
That’s it. If you have any other player installed you can follow the instructions given in the download link.
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